钟跃民深吸了一口气,拳头握的紧紧的。他思考着该如何反驳这种荒谬的提议。 接下来,钟跃民眉头皱的越来越深。心里想,这老外这不就是鼓吹去工业化,一心一意给欧美代工,做小弟吗? 如果真的这样做,将会对中国的工业发展造成巨大的打击,甚至可能让国家陷入万劫不复的境地。 阳光透过窗户洒在大礼堂的地板上,光影斑驳。又听到台上的外国专家,以他那惯有的高傲口吻,滔滔不绝地发表着看法.“虽然中国最近几年取得了很大的进步,我们也看到了可喜的变化,但是以中国的经济结构优势,很难完成工业化的超越。” 会场内一片寂静,仿佛连空气都凝固了。钟跃民心中的怒火却像火焰般熊熊燃烧。他深知国家工业化道路上的艰辛与不易。 台上的演讲在继续.“The foreign expert continued, "The parative advantage is that both sides can benefit through fair trade. China is totally not equipped with the conditions for industrialization, but China has a vast market, a billion people, rich mineral resources and agricultural resources, and the substitution of agricultural products is actually much higher than industrial products at the critical point of famine." With such a large country like China and such a population base, it is imperative to solve the problem of food and clothing, advanced technology cannot be imported, and the innovation ability of the Chinese people is yet to be verified." "Europe and the United States industry is developed, but there are still many repetitive construction, product homogeneity, vicious petition, but the international market demand soon tends to saturation one by one, resulting in serious overcapacity." China's basic raw materials, textiles, clothing, shoes and hats, household appliances and even the so-called emerging industries, backward production capacity, low efficiency, simply can not pete with similar products in the international market, will eventually form a waste of resources。” 演讲的余音在会场中回荡,掌声如潮水般汹涌,一波接着一波,仿佛要将整个空间填满。 教授站在台上,感受到那如潮水般的掌声,心中涌起一股难以言表的自豪。他的身形在灯光下显得更加高大,仿佛一座巍峨的山峰,屹立在众人之上。 现场的气氛热烈到了极点,人们的脸上都洋溢着兴奋和敬仰的神色。 领导们坐在前排,频频点头,仿佛对教授的每一句话都深表赞同。 周围的师生围着教授,七嘴八舌地称赞着,仿佛要将所有的赞美之词都倾注在他身上。 然而,在这热烈的气氛中,钟跃民却感到一股莫名的愤怒在心中燃烧。 他想起美国人那傲慢的言论,仿佛一把锋利的刀,深深地刺入他的心中。他们的意思很明确:只要中国的市场和资源,至于工业、科研、创新,他们根本不相信中国人能够做得起来。